3D Printing an Impossible Object

This week, we were supposed to 3D print an impossible object, which is an object that wouldn’t be possible to make in one piece using conventional methods. I decided to go with something pretty simple, even though I know it’s been done before – some of the interlocked rings from thingiverse. There were a lot of things that would’ve been cool to print, but I picked these rings because I knew, since they were short and relatively small, they wouldn’t take too long to print. (Some of the other objects I looked at would’ve taken 4+ hours, and these only took 2. I didn’t want to take up the printer for too long, so I went with these).

Printing them was a lot easier than I thought it’d be – I just had to download the file and click a few things, and it started. It was cool watching it gradually take shape (even though I only watched it at the beginning and end). I was also really cool seeing how it turned out, as it works exactly like it’s supposed to, not that that’s really a surprise. In all, 3D printing is a really cool, easy to use process that can create some really interesting objects that wouldn’t otherwise be possible to create in one step.



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