Happy Thanksgiving! CNC Turkey Icons

1. choosing a noun

With Thanksgiving just a few short weeks away, I wanted to make an icon that commemorates such an occasion. Therefore, I made a yummy turkey. I just searched “Thanksgiving” until I found one that looked good and worked well for a CNC machine (in other words, not too detailed). The result was this one, shown below.

Turkey icon

2. Importing into easel

I used an online SVG editor to remove the text from the SVG file, and then imported the file into Easel. I scaled it to close to the size of the wooden block, and moved it away from the Smart Clamps. I wanted to have the depth of the pan be more shallow than the turkey, as if the turkey was sitting in the pan. The pan and smoke are 1/8″ deep, and the turkey is 1/4″ deep.

Easel File

3. Cutting the file

The next step was to clamp down the material, and hit “carve.” It only took 15 minutes, which was definitely appreciated.

Coming out of the Carvey

Looks good!


4. making it colorful

I used gray spray paint for the pan and the smoke, and mahogany stain for the turkey. Ideally, I would have liked to use brown spray paint, but I couldn’t find the right color. I used some masking tape to make sure I only painted in the proper areas.

Making some color

Examples of taping






5. Cutting to size

I got a nice workout in and used a miter box with the hand saw downstairs to get 90 degree cuts. It worked well, and I was able to see exactly what I was cutting.

Cutting it down

I then used the belt grinder to round the edges and smooth the surface, helping to remove any excess paint.

Excess paint

Rounded corners, and tape to limit sawdust going into piece


6. Finishing touches

I applied beeswax on the wooden surface to help protect the piece, and make it feel smoother. I also used the air hose and a damp cloth to remove the sawdust that fell into the pockets. Overall, I was very happy with the final result!

Applying beeswax


Before removing sawdust


After removing sawdust


Final result

Happy thanksgiving!

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