Eunice Aissi- ENGI 210 Bio

My name is Eunice Aissi and I am a sophomore at Baker majoring in Mechanical Engineering. Currently I am not in any special club but I am most active in my XA christian group. However some fun facts about me are: my first language is french, I am addicted to anime, I am very passionate about environmental issues and activism, I really like stargazing and astrophysics, and I love music ( I play violin and I’m learning piano).



One thing I made that I am proud of is an automatic gas exchanger for my internship last summer. The neuroscience lab that I work in has to perform a lot of repetitive respiratory experiments on baby mice. Currently, the researchers have to stare at a computer and manually change the gasses that the mice are exposed to when they see certain changes in breathing. Moreso, this can be done for only one mouse at a time. The device I made for the lab automates this process and allows the researchers to experiment on multiple mice at a time while changing gases remotely. I am proud of it because it took a lot of learning and coding. It is still being developed and I will continue working on this during the semester.

They are many things I want to make. The most ambitious thing is a robotic arm that is controlled through my movement.

I hope to learn how to build things well. I have a lot of basic building and prototyping skills at the moment but I really want to become more of an expert.

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