Grant’s Plans for Engi210!

Hi! My name is Grant and I am a junior mechanical engineering major at Rice University. I am a proud member of Baker College! I am very excited for this course because I have been wanting to gain proficiency in prototyping for years and so far have not had a time devoted solely to that. With luck this course will make me a better engineer while also letting me have some fun and gain skills for fun side projects. At Rice I am engaged in a wide variety of engineering and religious organizations. I spend most of my time in Rice Eclipse. Rice Eclipse is the rocketry club that produces a variety of hybrid engines and flies several commercially acquired solid motors.

Grant Headshot

Rice Eclipse Project – Titan

Rice Eclipse Project – Luna

Baker College Crest


Four years ago I was involved in designing and flying a hybrid sounding rocket under the Systems Go program. The injection system I designed and built is one of my proudest accomplishments because it was the first time I was involved in a design project that lasted more than a few months and (thankfully) it worked!

Flow Controller

Installed Injection System

Rocket Ready to Go!

Recently I have wanted to try and build a hydroponic system from scratch. It is a little bit of a fad right now but I think it would be fun to try and see how automated I could make it. The goal would be to try and make a truly plant-and-leave system that could last months without supervision!

A Version of a Hydroponic Ststem

In Engi210 I really want to learn different ways to post process wood. The tools will be fun to learn but knowing how to make something and knowing how to make something that looks good are two very different things! With luck I will have some beautiful pieces by the end of the semester!




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