LASER CUTTING this is the .ai file.
The first time our class was shown the plasma cutting exercise, a calling to represent the state of Texas arose inside me. I carried out the project in three states: cutting, finishing, and painting.
The cutting phase started out with a lot of difficulties. The plasma cutting software had alot of issues importing my file, so I had go go back to illustrator and redo it. Once the file worked, I chose to print the diamond three times and finish the cleanest two. This proved to be the correct plan of action because one of the diamonds was too imperfect.
Finishing was simple. I filed down the edges and sanded the surface. Sanding, I went from 150 -> 400 -> 100 grit for a smooth finish.
Next step was painting. I initially settled on a two tone red/blue Texan color scheme. I painted a blue base coat, masking taped half, then painted white covered in red. Painting lookedgreat until DISASTER STRUCK. The spray-painting inept group called Rice Eclipse covered the whole project in silver.
After sandblasting off Eclipse’s ineptitude, I settled on a new paint scheme that mirrored the Lone Star Flag. This was carried out with a white base coat followed by taping off areas to add the reds and blue.
I’m very satisfied with the final product. The paint is a little bumpy with some imperfections, but that is an artifact of the spray painting process.
Cost Breakdown:
- $10 Small sheet of steel
- $40 Usage of plasma cutter, illustrator, and tools.
- $9 Three cans of spraypaint
- $30 Three hours of labor
Total: $89*
*cost is high due to the low amount of product made. I believe each additional diamond would only add $5-6 to the running total.