My Laser Cut Box, with compartments!

To start off the project I wrote down all of the different sized compartments I would need to include. I then began to patch them together into a rectangle with a few modifications to dimensions. I decided on storing my diamond project vertically in the box to save space by creating a long thin and tall section on the right side of my box. Below is a picture of my initial sketch with dimensions. I realized that with the different compartments I would have to take into account the thickness of the inner panels into my overall dimensions.

Before actually making the drawings for each part of the box, I made a few test cuts to decide what kerf I should use. I experimented with 0.007, 0.01, and 0.012 kerfs and decided that the 0.012 worked best. 0.007 was way too loose, 0.01 wouldn’t hold tightly enough, and 0.012 had a tight but workable fit.

I then began to make the models of the interior panels on solidworks. This took me about 2 hours to complete. I cut these out and everything fit on the first try!

The next step was to design and print the outer walls and the base of the box. I first input the inner dimensions of my box, 10.6 x 7.2 x 4, into to get a template for the outer walls. I then edited the pdf in illustrator and added in all of the different mounting holes. I also added my name, the date, and ENGI 210 to be engraved onto the base.

I cut out the base first and tried to fit the internal compartments but then realized that I had made a mistake with the rightmost section. Somehow one of the dimensions ended up being about .04 off of what it was supposed to be as seen below.

I corrected the mistake in the file and everything fit perfectly! I then cut out the two longer sides and test fit them onto the internal compartments.

I then cut out the two shorter side pieces and made a final assembly of the box. Tada!

I estimate the cost of the project to be about $5 for the sheet of plywood and 48$ for my 6 hours of work by Texas minimum wage. Total cost of $53.



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