My name is Chris Heuser. I’m a junior at Duncan studying Mechanical Engineering and I’m pursuing the Engineering Design Minor. I play on the club volleyball team, am the Duncan bike team captain, and I am still crushed over the White Sox failure against the Astros in the ALDS.
One thing that I’ve made that I’m very proud of is my Texas made out of Lone Star Beer cans.
It was based on a design I found online that requires 73 12 ounce cans and 6 16 ounce cans. I hot glued the cans together and then to a cardboard frame. It was not very sturdy, and it actually broke recently.
Something that I want to make (and am currently working on gathering materials) is another Texas made with 79 unique cans from Texas breweries. I am planning the assembly and expect to have a higher fidelity creation this time. I am considering using aluminum solder to hold the cans together more effectively, as well as considering using a more firm back than a large piece of cardboard.
In this course, I hope to learn a lot more about creating products that are well finished and well designed. I tend to make things and just be done with them instead of refining them and making them look as good as possible.