Hello World, My Name is Jake and I’m Taking ENGI 210

My name is Jake Sperry. I am a current sophomore planning to major in Mechanical Engineering with minors in Environmental Studies and Engineering Design. I am an avid member and current lead in Rice Eclipse, the student rocketry team. I also play for Cloud 9, Rice’s club Ultimate Frisbee team.

One thing Ive made that I’m proud of is an accurate dual mouse-trap slingshot for a TSA (Technology Student Association) problem solving competition. It was able to swap the location of   two marbles with close accuracy.

A few things I want to make in the future is a set of ziplines that can take me wherever I need to go on campus, a plasma sword (basically a lightsaber) with magnets (so I can bring it to my hand with ‘the force’), a pen that can turn into a sword or any other item that isn’t a pen, and a solar powered (or equally energy efficient) plane/rocket/air vehicle that can still be efficient enough for use in many areas.

In Engi 120, Im hoping to learn how many of the machines that are present in the OEDK can be applied to projects that Im working on, can take ideas and make them possible, and push me to make/create even more challenging objects. I also am excited to prototype and fabricate.

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