A Hello from Chris

Hello everyone,

My name is Chris Hong, and I am a senior at Jones studying mechanical engineering. This year, I am working as a Design Mentor for ENGI 120, and doing research with Dr. O’Malley as well. Outside of academics, I am a part of Design for America, the Rice Philharmonics, and club soccer.

Having changed my major to Mech my sophomore year, I may have less experience with engineering compared to my peers, but I have still managed to make some things that I’m proud of, including my ENGI 120 project where I built a filament grinding detection device for a local 3D-printing firm.

I am hoping at some point in the future, I can 3D print or make most furniture/decorations in my room. And to do that, I am looking forward to becoming more comfortable with different prototyping methods.

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