CNC Machining my Dog (Close Enough)

In this project I used the Carvey CNC machine in the OEDK to carve a dog’s face (that looks similar to my dog). I used the noun project to find the appropriate file:

And proceeded to use the application Easel to optimize the cut for the piece of wood. In operating the Carvey I used clamps, a fan and a vacuum. Here is the the first cut:

Unfortunately, in a momentary lapse of reason I failed in realizing that the clamp for the wood was in the way of the drill bit. I stopped the print to get the clamp out of the way but it was too late. I ended up finishing that print as there were not many wood blocks left and I did not want to waste it. Hence, as you can see in the right picture there is an extra cut, a symbol of my horrid mistake.

For my next print I solved this problem and came out with a successful print that looks somewhat like my dog:

The cost:

2 cuts, ~5 mins each = ~10 minutes of cut time

~20 minutes of modifying the file on Easel

2 (0.75 x 5.3 x 3.3 in Birch Plywood)

~$150 for (0.75 x 48 x 96)

((5.3*3.3)/(48*96))*150 = ~$0.57 each, $1.04 total

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