The Box


For this project, the team members were Jorge Quintero and Rafe Neathery. The assignment was to design a wooden box using the methods for processing wood that we learned in class.


For the dimensions of the box, we decided to do 15 3/4” x 17” for the base and 12” for the height of the walls. 

When we cut our wood, we did not cut the base yet because we wanted to make sure the sides fit correctly. Once, we got the sides squared up with corner brackets, we made pilot holes and drilled in our screws. Here, we ran into a problem that turned into a learning experience. With a few of the screws, we went too far into the wood so the wood cracked.

After all the sides were drilled together, we sanded everything with 100 grit sandpaper, and again with 220 grit sandpaper. Once it was smooth, we went outside and stained the box with black wood stain, and let it dry. 

The only thing left was to make the base of the box. Unfortunately, we could not get access to large stock wood so we improvised and made a base out of three separate pieces. After drilling in and sanding, we stained it the same color as the sides. 

Cost Analysis
Wood: $43
Screws: $7
Labor: 4 hours x $15/h = $60
Total Cost: $108

This project made us reflect on how much attention to detail should be given to every part of the creation of a project. From beginning to end, one should always have in mind how the final product is intended to look so one does not accidentally make a mistake. We gained experience working with wood which will be very useful in future design courses. And overall we are happy with the box we made.

Peer Grading Number: 17

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