Hi ENGI 210! Meet Tiffany.


Hi y’all! My name is Tiffany Vuong and I’m a junior majoring in Mechanical Engineering and pursing the Engineering Design Minor from Round Rock, Texas. I am both a member and enthusiast of Jones College, and spent the majority of last year coordinating O-Week at Jones! Outside of Jones, I am a co-President of Rice’s chapter of Design for America, which I have been a member of for over 4 semester, likely has the best faculty sponsor of clubs on campus, and everyone should apply for (-:

In my sophomore year at Rice, I built a bCPAP monitoring device to detect bubbling levels in bCPAPs with two other ENGI 200 teammates. While not without work that can be done to improve its fidelity and signal processing abilities, I’m proud of learning new tools that helped make one of the first formal design projects that I was able to take agency over a rewarding experience. While not specific, I hope that eventually I’ll be able to make something to gift to my too-practical and hard-to gift parents for Christmas that has great enough function and quality that it doesn’t sit on the counter next to my elementary school crafts. One thing that I hope I expand on ENGI 210 is communicating and documenting progress with my work, whether through feedback with peers or verbally.

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