Why Aaeisha Wants to Build?

Who am I and what activities am I engaged in at Rice?

  • My name is Aaeisha, and I am a sophomore from Baker studying Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. I am also currently in ENGI 350 and have been a PAA for the past two semesters. I currently am part of the Rice Climate Alliance where we help educate the Rice community on climate change and empower them with ways to help build a more sustainable future on Earth.

What is one thing that I have made that I am proud of?

  • In high school, I built a battery powered by salt water as opposed to traditional lithium ion batteries. This solution would serve as a non-toxic alternative to batteries in many consumer products such as children’s toys, clocks, and remotes.


What is one thing that I want to make (this semester or in the future)?

  • I would like to learn how to use wood working tools such as the jig saw, band saw, scroll saw, hand and power drills. Specifically, I am interested in building a decorative piece of furniture sometime in the future for no other reason than I think it would look cool. Granted, the things we learn in this class are not exactly going to give me the specific toolset I need to complete this build, but it would help me gain critical knowledge with prototyping.


What is one thing that you hope to learn in ENGI 210?

  • I hope to learn how to utilize many of the machinery in the OEDK including the laser cutter and CNC machine. With this knowledge, I can improve my higher fidelity prototyping and manufacturing abilities.
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