Anjitha’s Intro to Making Things

Hello everyone!

My name is Anjitha, and I am an MD/MBE student doing the Global Medical Innovations course at Rice.

I haven’t had a chance to make a lot of things, so when Dr. Wettergreen asked us about that one thing that we’ve made that we are proud of, I couldn’t think of anything in the moment. But I just remembered that I was an annual participant of bridge competitions when I was in middle/high school and I’m proud of how they turned  out and improved over the years.

All the assignments listed for this year incorporate machines I’ve never used before, but I am super excited to learn how to use them. One thing I want to make this year are those cool chess pieces. I’m hoping to advance from the beginners’ level for some of these projects, especially for that one.

Nearly all of my education so far has consisted of book learning that hasn’t allowed for a lot of creativity, so I’m hoping to learn some technical skills combined with some artistic exploration in ENGI 210. I’m also really excited to show my mom what we make in the class. I already know she’s going to be ecstatic when she sees the my apron.

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