Building Some Goals – Asma

Hello! I’m Asma Farooqui, and I am a MBE student in the Global Medical Innovation program at Rice. I am not involved in any activities at Rice yet, but hope to get more involved with the BIOE GSA this year.

Something that I’m proud of making is a mechanical breast phantom for CT validation at a recent internship. I was given full reign on this assignment, and worked on the ideation, material determination, and fabrication. In the end, I developed the company’s first proof of concept phantom and workflow for future iterations.

I’m interested in 3D printing with alternative materials (metals) for use in implants and prosthetics.

In BIOE677, I hope to gain familiarity and expertise with the equipment we use so that I can utilize those skills in the future.

Inspo for what I’d like to use these skills in the future for:

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