Andy’s First Post

Hello everyone!

My name is Andy, and I am in the master’s program for applied bioengineering at RICE. This is my 2nd semester in the program, and it has been very rewarding so far. One thing that I have made that I’m proud of was a wooden car in my 7th grade Tech Ed class. I wish I had a picture of it, but it is lost somewhere in my garage back home. That class was amazing and introduced me to woodworking at a young age. I’m really looking forward to all of the skills and techniques that are being taught in this course. Down the line, I would like to incorporate these techniques in a biology setting, such as using 3D bioprinting to manufacture cell therapies that can be used in tissue engineering. The main skill I want to develop in this course is the ability to translate my inner creativity into a physical manifestation. It sounds general, but I believe that refining this skill leads to improvement in all lines of work.

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