ENGI210 Adventures

Hi everyone, my name is Katherine Sammy and I’m a freshman studying bioengineering. I’m at Wiess college and compete for the Rice swim team, meaning I can usually be found swimming, doing rehab for swimming, or thinking about swimming. When I graduate, I want to work in the healthcare development industry, designing new medical equipment that will push the current limits of our technology. My interest in this area comes from my curiosity towards design, and my time working as a Certified Nursing Assistant at a local nursing home.

One thing I’ve made that I’m proud of is a lamp made of coral slabs. I up cycled the coral from an antiques store and, with the help of my dad, made something that I could gift my grandparents.

Something that always intrigued me, and that I hope to make someday, is the gold robot from the movie Hugo. The robot is windup, and makes an intricate drawings. I’m not sure how feasible this idea is, especially the solid gold part, but it’d still be interesting to try.

In ENG 210, I’m excited to learn how to 3D print. One of the kids I babysit when I’m home is very interested in cool prototyping techniques, like I was at his age, and I want to 3D print him a Pokemon character.

– btw, the photo features my puppy Calzone (Cal)

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