It Begins. (Greg’s ENGI 210 Journey)

Hello! My name is Greg Caringer and I am a freshman at Martel. I am currently thinking about majoring in Mechanical Engineering and Minoring in Engineering Design. I am excited to start my journey in ENGI 210 and become proficient in different prototyping methods.

I have always wanted to work on various projects and help build cool technology. One project that I am proud of being a part of is my rocketry project in high school where we built a rocket in hopes of reaching Mach I. Although we failed to recover our rocket, it was a great experience and I would love to tackle more projects of this nature.

My team’s final rocket.

Throughout this course, I hope to learn different methods of building and creating with different tools. For instance, I have always wanted to explore making things with 3D printers and CNC machines. I would love to make a lot of small things with these machines. I would also love to learn more about woodworking and use this skill to make my own useful and practical furniture. Overall, I am really excited to get to work in this course!

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