Molding & Casting my fingers

For this project, I created a mold out of alginate that can be used to cast my two fingers. This was a relatively simple process as instructors have given us the ideal ratio. We used 4:1 water-to-alginate ratio to create mold. I mixed them for about 30 seconds-1minute, and dipped my fingers into the solution. After a while, I noticed the solution was getting harder and I was no longer able to move around in the solution. I could feel the suction as I took out my fingers. We used 2:1 plaster-to-water ratio to create a cast. I put a piece of cardboard on the top, and put two screws in where the finger casts are. I came back 2 days later to take the casts out since the solution is water-based and it could grow mold. The mold came off pretty easily (crumbled apart). As post-processing, I sanded off the extra plaster at the bottom of my finger. I also spray painted it white to hide a small crack that could see the screw.





Plaster of Paris: $7.58 x 0.05 = $0.38

Alginate: $16.99 x 1/9 = $1.88

Labour: 1 hour x $8 = $8

Total: $10.26

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