Hey Hey Hey! My name is Emily Pena and I’m a junior studying Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Engineer Design. I’m from Atlanta, Georgia and dance on the Rice Owls Dance Team! If I’m not dancing, my friends can typically find me at the OEDK or the rec which are two of my favorite places on campus.
One thing that I’ve made that I’m proud of is an interactive musical sculpture as a proposal for a art competition in Florida. It was the first project that really taught me the essence of teamwork, iteration, and immersed me into the beauty that is the OEDK.

This is a xylophone-palm tree, one of the instruments from the sculpture!
In ENGI210, I really hope to gain proficiency in 3D printing. It’s a skill that has always seemed daunting to me given the precise nature of the machine, but I’m excited I get to learn how to use it this semester! Like 3D printing, I just hope to absorb everything I can from this class like a sponge. Craftsmanship and finesse are skills that distinguish an experienced engineer and I hope to get a taste of that this semester learning from the best.