J’ai fait mes doigts avec du plâtre de Paris!

Our next assignment for class was to create to two wall hooks modeled after our own fingers! This was done through creating an alginate mold of our finger and casting it using plaster of Paris.


The first step of this process was to make the mold. I combined alginate powder with water in a 1:2 ratio by weight. I then mixed it thoroughly for around 4 minutes.


After this was done, I inserted two of my fingers into the alginate. I had enough room to fit both of them without touching each other or the side of the cup, so I saw no problems with molding both at once. I held them still for a little over 5 minutes to give the alginate enough time to harden to the shape of my fingers.


To remove my fingers, I slowly and carefully pulled them out so that I didn’t break the alginate. I had to wiggle/twist them slightly, but I got them out without problems. I was left with what I believed to be a great mold!


Next, I mixed the plaster of Paris with water in a 1:1 ratio by volume. I mixed this for a few minutes then poured it into my mold. I made sure to fill each finger fully without spilling over so that they would remain two separate pieces. I then took two screws, inserted the tips into a piece of tape, and draped this piece of tape across the mold cup. I spaced the screws such that each one was centered in a finger and was about half a centimeter deep. I added some extra tape to ensure they didn’t shift, and left my cup to dry.


The next day, I returned and removed my fingers from the mold. I broke up the alginate to ensure that the fingers were not damaged during removal.


I was happy with the result; the mold captured the shape of my fingers very well, down to the fine wrinkles.


For finishing, I applied white spray paint + primer. I made sure to cover up the screws with tape so that the threads wouldn’t be stuffed up with dry paint.


I left them to dry, and I am very pleased with the final result!


Overall, the cost for these two hooks was $46.33.

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