A Can(n)on Event… My Introduction

Hi everyone! My name is Cannon Hansen. I recently graduated from the University of Utah in Biomedical Engineering. I love any outdoor activity but especially enjoy hiking, skiing, and kayaking. Looking to kayak the Bayous here in Houston and hoping to not contract a rare disease while doing it.

I am passionate about global health bioengineering and looking to do research in point-of-care diagnostics and instrumentation while here at Rice. Two things that I made somewhat recently that I’m proud of are a wooden ski rack to store skis and a compost pit for my grandpa’s garden.

This semester, I want to make really anything that involves 3D printing as I really haven’t done much of that ever. So it makes sense that one thing I hope to learn in BIOE 555 is proficiency in 3D printing. Excited to meet everyone and for the semester!

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