Introduction to Jonathan Chang!


Hi Everyone,

My name is Jonathan and I am currently a senior studying Chemical and biomolecular engineering and I’m also obtaining a minor in Engineering Design (This is my final class for the minor!). I’m currently the president of Rice Taiwanese Association, and I’m also on the men’s club volleyball team, AICHE, and Peer Career Advisors.

I think the one thing I’m proud of making is my ENGI 120 project- it was a palm plate crusher to incentivize composting and save space in the compost bins. Something I want to make is probably a kind of raised platform that will help in club volleyball practices for defense drills. I recall there being some kind of project where a “crate” is designed so this might be relevant.

In 210, I hope to learn how to sew so that I can tailor and crop my clothes, and also use the rest of the machines to fabricate custom printouts or anything else.

Excited for class!

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