Will’s Apron

This is my first design that I created for the apron. It walks through the design of the apron, placement of the straps, the box stiches that are includes, the pocket accessory, and the double padded sides.








When beginning the apron, it was important to lay out where I was folding and where I was cutting with chalk. The photo below shows my process of marking the blank 1 m x 1 m black sheet. Later, I folded the apron over these lines. After finishing the design and marking the apron, I cleaned up for that day.

When I came in next, I sewed over the folded lines and then cut away some excess, leaving 5 cm at the longest section. I also created the double fold, by folding 9.5 cm over again, on the sides and top. To secure the double sided apron, I added two box stiches, one in yellow (on the right) and one in black (on the left). I sewed the apron after ironing it before the sew, creating straight sew lines and a smooth apron. As seen in the upper right hand corner of the image, I added a “:)” logo.


I cleaned up for that day and came in the next day, where I added the straps and pocket to the design. For the pocket, I used a yellow zipper (to match the design). The straps are made out of strap black fabric. I included the clean work station, as this is nearly my final product.

Here is my most final photo for the work station. I came in once more and cleaned up loose threads on the apron–redoing some stitches. I created a ball of thread, seen behind the Juki sewing machine, which I later threw out. This ball of thread was all waste material from my apron.

Below is my cost analysis for this project. It covers the total cost for the apron, which is $211. The majority of my cost is spent on labor, which would significantly decrease, if I became more proficient at these skills.

Cost Type Cost Price Source Quantity Total
Materials Fabric $9.00 per yard /yd Spoonflower.com





1 meter $9.02
Thread 1.99 per 600 m Threadart.com ~5 meters 0.05
1 zipper $2.44 https://www.wawak.com/zippers/jacket/molded-plastic/ykk-5-molded-plastic-separating-jacket-zipper/#sku=mz514ye 1 zipper $2.44
Labor Sewing Operator $15/hour https://www.indeed.com/viewjob?jk=3e53099051e2c475&q=sewing+machine+operator&tk=1i7uabjdhh7hh81m&from=web&advn=7712773316665083&adid=436051935&ad=-6NYlbfkN0BybgwI0FzlQTDyJ9IlJXmU3mZTMwGBIbfeNq_k3cTsOHHEC8bxL9siAMsdxEv2JbpZR3WmMtnlD0nZTlh4s_MXARo6gJMKNlr5VBzQXVsLDJC_QEP1GYlhoEL00tWFKlbXYLLCJ030S977LQFj6t9COpzLPUNObLhueepZNhC1OfCkpk1vIM9skoMTtaH5dYNPByDqNeAihLl7vG2Er-5p28ievCeohtbdtJhYs1HmFtOZDgPIMNlgLziYzwXcwte3wZ4r4a51mXvyAQbmZMJJbB4faPIA3hlubVv1IUaOhQVix-HXn6BrpePeN2VReCWQy664glJDq0yBNDZp2FjUFakivSfRskvEo0ne8pOSE0ttDrqyayLXPhoUzbDthbczYqeiNC2IN0652SaH6gX9k1RG9yedINH1soBvq6nqqkRvNJCPQE96AHGssyLV4l6g1yPwergw9LOyxsOx01OkNS6ifE_OE2FljxotiTu-6x9AtRX_GJeGE9GCmdq8tDs7dW8v7bkIMN-0ezg8z7oa&pub=4a1b367933fd867b19b072952f68dceb&camk=nUmJqO2E8rggff3XbVSb0A%3D%3D&xkcb=SoBW6_M38-chqYw36p0IbzkdCdPP&xpse=SoDs6_I38-c9-DSRQR0IbzkdCdPP&xfps=49183a68-6dc7-46af-9c0d-dff38adba862&vjs=3 5 hours $75
Prototyping Engineer (You!) $36.48/hr https://www.ziprecruiter.com/Salaries/Prototype-Engineer-Salary 1 hour 36.48
Overhead Facility Cost (Machine Time) $10/day https://www.sewinganddesignschool.com/module/class/542180/rent-a-sewing-machine-for-a-2-day-weekend-workshop 3 days $30
Quality Control $18/hour https://www.indeed.com/pagead/clk?mo=r&ad=-6NYlbfkN0A6C-ag1lb2VhvVzFPGNh076GNVORZ9EZZWU3wYFlD1WOTnUn1K9hTBTryQggqamgx1l3nGdJ84rQQpyY3gchaEg97z_fxr1qlXJ394g_Zihq0JgP6GChWmMB3cZbp6WDxKXNFanx0tlTMxJRuVU3XVmC1V670B12ABhRlr7-rGFcauGDO46MKSbQNMz5Fsx-P9jrIo-qnUofwOrmpTnrGYt4D7zM6sai4TxOVp83JQJRdVOfNJzwWnHe0d-ZdPaTK0Lfys3N_scRnR5oi1Z06zXUDDMoqNM45wdbJjBAXLxdC8kDSkIm_QHAX5iosZTB1xqjsODxbrCDqk39N3VK_9WqlDVm6IBoKft6Xy3ETrk086rAhALBK6ICXYERqn90WiVx5MP7J35jiPQ5vclVcYWjIgtBLMulUgCmVgTJTlowBwoMOZnEr31oGMr-G3u8Td-nEKu-1VDs9iYcdvU65EtGSDuxaccbryqkZd-Lyx5peR4Nm8TJLzFU_r1HC8RhkQM8mQB2iT11IA4agLEb_I-yZKihc5RGgNddVQx_h3qr0KKALK1MXw54Ti0QrvktGbGjcj2b3ddVc2DZvXG1X9V7eQIOiaX65ALae0gBumz4dLkSlGhFwVo1lBzAzbAjPmpMmzp_CXBQ==&xkcb=SoAT6_M37AZFF_wGlZ0HbzkdCdPP&camk=CPChkbYSGj94GxZj52ezjA==&p=12&fvj=1&vjs=3&tk=1i808im5bk61r800&jsa=4133 1 hr $18
Design Engineering and Development $31/hr https://www.ziprecruiter.com/Salaries/Fashion-Designer-Salary-in-Houston,TX 30 minutes hour $15.50
Iterations $31/hr https://www.ziprecruiter.com/Salaries/Fashion-Designer-Salary-in-Houston,TX 30 minutes $15.50
Misc. Waste and Scrap $18.57/hr https://www.payscale.com/research/US/Job=Garbage_Man/Hourly_Rate 30 minutes $9.29
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