For my CNC project, I decided to go with a pumpkin I found on the Noun Project website:
Once we figured out some issues on the CNC machine, I was able to finally start cutting my pumpkin. I struggled a bit to mount it but finally got it up and running:
Unfortunately, the first time I cut, I did not have my thickness correct so it did not cut all the way through:
After adjusting the height, I was able to get it cut out correctly. I then sanded it in order to get rid of the excess material and make it smooth. For my finish, I decided to go with a bees wax. Below you can see the before and after of the application:
The wax was a bit tricky to get out from the recessed parts of my piece but after struggling with it for awhile I got a finished product I was happy with! I then cleaned my workspace:
Cost Analysis:
Wood: ~$0.20 per piece for a total of $0.60 cents (I used three pieces because I had to cut on twice)
Machine Time: $15 per hour for 1.5 hours $22.5
Wax: $9.98 per 12 ounce bottle ~$0.83 per once with 2 ounces used for a total of $1.66
Total: $23.93 ($11.97 per piece)