Hi! I am Xinyin (Sing) from China. A fun fact about my name is that “Xinyin” means the singing of the heart and sounds like “Sing,” so a 7-year-old me gladly chose this name.
I am a Ph.D. student in Bioengineering at Rice playing with CRISPR stuff. In addition to being a researcher, I am an amateur composer who likes to read philosophy, a whimsical painter who likes to bake, and a dreamer who wants to help people achieve their dreams.
One thing I am proud of making is a mammalian cell-shaped cookie. Cookie-making is an intricate blend of art, biology, chemistry, and physics. The dough required a precise balance of butter, flour, sugar, and egg to achieve the perfect texture. To mimic the organelles and compartments, I used natural colors that were both visually appealing and tasty. Temperature control was crucial at every stage—kneading, shaping, assembling, and slicing—because any deviation could turn the cell into a melted mess or a rock-hard disaster. After enduring the trials of chilling at -18°C and baking at 160°C, the cookies gradually cooled to room temperature—becoming tranquil and delicious. They were great educational tools. I used them to lure my friends to listen to me blabbing about cell biology.
One thing I want to make is a dessert factory on Mars. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve been fascinated by the idea of traveling to Mars. And really, who hasn’t imagined visiting Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory? Combining these two dreams, I envision opening a dessert factory on Mars someday. It will feature a transparent, sugar-based dome, cookie bricks coated in sugar glaze for walls, and 3D-printed chocolate for decorations. And, my friend, you will get a discount!
Life has many possibilities, and I am taking this class to open my possibilities. I am looking forward to learning 3D printing and other techniques!