Hello everyone! My name is Alessa Elkareh. I am a Junior at Baker majoring in Electrical and Computer Engineering and getting a certificate in Spanish. Clubs that I am engaged in at Rice include SWE, SHPE, MENA, and HACER. At Baker I was an O-Week Coord this past August and I am currently a Beer Bike Coord.
Last semester I made a personalized Monopoly Board to give my family for Christmas (shoutout Emmie for helping me). I designed the board itself online and laser engraved it onto wood. I then used that as the top of a box where we can put the money, property cards, chance/community chest cards, and characters.
One thing I want to make this semester is a dorm door opener. I have already coded an arduino and put it together with a servo motor but I want to complete the project by making a box for the circuitry and a spikier gear that will fit on top of the servo motor’s x-like gear and a handle to go along-side it.
I hope to learn more about the design that happens behind the scenes of devices. I also want to learn how to work all of the cool things in the OEDK!!