Molding and Casting my fingers

For the second project of the semester, we were tasked to mold and cast our finger in order to be able to use it as a wall hook.

To do this we mixed the alignate with water by a 1 to 1 ratio. You had to stir it thoroughly and quickly add your fingers or else the mold will harden. It took about 10 minutes for the mold to set and I was able to wiggle my fingers out. Thankfully, I didn’t have issues with creating the mold.

When making the plaster mixture, it was a little tricky because one time I made it to watery and it never properly dried so I had to throw that one away. I then learned my lesson and was able to make 2 nice casted fingers with great detail. For one of the fingers, you’ll notice that there is some grey stuff in it and that is because I accidentally dropped a screw into the plaster mixture but I was very surprised the plaster didn’t break apart.

Bottom left photo shows finger with screw inside.

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