The Kerf Matters…

For the laser cutting assignment I did the beginner level because I have minimal experience in 2D designing and also laser cutting. I wanted to try and go about it without using the instructions so I could learn as I go. This was a major mistake as when I downloaded the pdf from the makeabox website I forgot to change the kerf from the default. This resulted in the first box not quite being able to snap together and would fall apart. The second time around I couldn’t find the file to measure the kerf that was in the instructions, so I just measured the kerf by cutting out a 1 inch square and measuring the width. The second box with the new kerf was successful. This process can be seen below.

Comments: The Martel crest did not come out great, I changed the colors to shades of grey but it still blended most of the crest together. Next time I would just outline the crest.

Cost: 4 x 4 x 1/8 plywood * 12 = 192 square inches

About $12 for 576 square inches of birch plywood

12*192/576 = $4

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