Corbin’s Reasons for taking ENGI 210


  1. Who are you and what activities are you engaged in at Rice?
    1. My name is Corbin Cowden.  I am a MECH with a focus on Biomedical Technology.  I am a member of Rice’s Men’s Club Water Polo team and Wiess College.
  2. What is one thing that you have made that you are proud of?
    1. I have made a fully functional 3D printed Ocarina.
  3. What is one thing that you want to make (this semester or in the future)?
    1. I would like to make a wearable anosmic assistance device.
  4. What is one thing that you hope to learn in ENGI 210?
    1. In ENGI 210 I hope to learn more ways to rapidly prototype and to correctly identify prototype or method weaknesses and areas of improvement.
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