Travis’ Apron Experience

This took longer than I thought, but once I got into the rhythm of sewing, it got really enjoyable! I didn’t have any prior sewing experience, so I initially wanted to go for the beginner assignment, but once I got the hang of it, I decided to go for a pocket and the apron side fold over challenge!

I used the Singer Heavy Duty sewing machine in the OEDK since that was what I had practiced on:

I started by holding up fabric to myself and measuring approximate apron sizes to go with the chart in the ENGI 210 book. I settled on basing my design off of the small size and came up with the following sketch before cutting:

I made the width a bit smaller and the “pinch in” at the top a bit larger than reported on the “Small” size in the booklet after I measured myself. I also made sure that I had enough room to tentatively place a pocket, which I tried to place a bit above waist height. I then cut butcher paper, followed by my blue apron material using these dimensions.

Because I thought it would be more difficult to sew on the straps after sewing the apron sides, I first sewed the apron sides. This was the longest part of the process. I used bobby pins to secure the edges and took them out as I progressed. The most difficult part was sewing the “pinch in” corners. This difficulty caused me to miss some of my folded over material with the needle:

In the final product, I corrected this with hand sewn dark blue thread to blend in with the material.

I then measured the neck strap length by taping the strap to the apron and pulling it around my neck. I did this before I folded over and sewed box stitches on the end, however, which made my strap admittedly shorter than intended, but it still fit!

I sewed the neck strap onto each side of my apron using box stitches:

I then qualitatively measured out my tie straps in the same manner, and as a result, the were also a bit short since I sewed over the ends. I learned my lesson to make sure to measure out these lengths and air on the side of longer in the future! I box stitched both straps to the apron a bit below my diaphragm, and it tied well!

The final step was to add the pockets. I used the aid of the video for the pocket, and was able to place it right above my hip as intended! I made it 4 in by 4 in because I tested it to find that this size could comfortably hold a screw driver and fit my hand (and thus could hold writing utensils as well). I used bobby pins to maintain the placement as I sewed on the pocket:

Finally, I made a special stitch as shown in the video at the top of the pocket to improve durability:

I was overall very happy with my finished product considering my inexperience with sewing!

Cost Calculations:

I spent about six hours on the apron. Since this is moderately skilled, we can assume a pay of $12 an hour, thus making the cost of labor 6*12 = $72. Assuming a fabric cost of $5 per yard, and since we were allotted one yard of fabric for our apron (including pocket fabric) the fabric cost is $5 [1]. Since I messed up a couple times on the strap length, I used about 70 in of strap material, which is about $2.49 based on the per yard cost [2].  The one spool of thread that I used would cost about $1.20, and the Singer Heavy Duty sewing machine I used, assuming that it comes with needles, would cost about $180 [3,4].  The butcher paper cost would be negligible (less than a cent) assuming I used one yard for the cutout of the apron and the pocket combined [5].

Thus, without the sewing machine cost, the apron would be $80.69. With the incorporated cost of the sewing machine, however, would be $260.69. The sewing machine would be repeatedly used, however, use the consumable $80.69 cost is more accurate.



  1. How much does fabric cost? (ultimate fabric prices list) [Internet]. 2020 [cited 2022 Jan 29]. Available from:
  2. [cited 2022 Jan 29]. Available from:
  3. Sewing thread sale [Internet]. [cited 2022 Jan 29]. Available from:
  4. [cited 2022 Jan 29]. Available from:
  5. Sam’s Club [Internet]. Sam’s Club. [cited 2022 Jan 29]. Available from:
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