Avery’s Reasons for Taking ENGI 210

Hello! My name is Avery, and I am a freshman at McMurtry majoring in Civil & Environmental Engineering with a minor in Engineering Design. At Rice, I am a member of Rice Dance Theatre and the McMurtry Powderpuff team. I took ENGI 120 last semester, and, along with my teammates, I am hoping to continue working on our project as an independent study this semester. Our project was to design a device for young children with Cerebral Palsy to prevent them from sitting in the W-sitting position.

One thing I made that I am proud of is my FIRST Robotics Championship robot in high school. I was a member of an all-girls rookie team, and we won the Rookie All-Star Award, which granted us a spot at the world championship in Houston in 2019.

One thing I want to make at some point in my life is a prosthetic. I’ve always been fascinated by how they work, and I would love to further explore them with Rice e-NABLE and maybe in my future career.

I am excited to learn about all the different tools we explore in ENGI 210, especially molding and casting. I’ve also enjoyed working with 3D printers in the past, so I look forward to more of those projects.

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