Alejandros Water Jet Cut metal

This project was all about planning and time management. The goal was to create a water jet cut piece of metal with 3 ways of post processing, and I believe this was my most successful project of them all.

Metal Cutting

The first and most familiar part of the project was creating the design and was so relaxing to do. Unlike the rest of the project. This part was done on fusion360 with a picture decaled on a diamond shape then traced with lines, splines, and circles to ultimately get the picture below that was translated to the ProtoLayout format.

Once I had this file and followed the written instructions, I proceeded to cut my two shapes with a total cut time of 6 minutes for each.

After cutting I sandblasted the shapes for about 2 minutes each to get good smooth finish.


After I sandblasted I cut a vinyl mask to cover the parts I did not want to cover with RED paint. This design was further changed to a final design with a wheel in the middle of the circles. I used spray paint and Clear coat finish of polyurethane.

Total Time- 5hrs

Metal Sheet 1ft by 1ft- $13

Spray Paint – $10

Polyurethane -$10

Vinyl Cover 12″ by 12″ – $3

Hourly $15/hr

$54 per metal Cut piece

I enjoyed this piece so much and the waterjet cutting is so cool I cant wait to cut more!

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