Molding and Casting

We molded and cast two fingers as hooks for this week’s project.

There are six steps

  1. Mixing the alginate with water in a 1:1 ratio

2. After mixing, I insert my fingers and wait for 8 min 


3. I mixed 2:1 plaster to water for a few minutes. Then, I pour the solution into the finger mold

4. Attached is the screw on the top of the mold

5. Wait for 30 min for the mold and plaster to dry. After it solidifies, I pull out my fingers from the plaster by breaking the alginate mold


6. Post-processing

      a. Paint the fingers 

     b. Put pellets on the nail

    c. Clear coat


Achievements and problems:

  • Achievements for this project include two fingers as hooks that look like a real fingers. I was surprised by all the small details from my fingers with the overall results. 
  • The first time I cast and molded my fingers, I had some problems when trying to de-mold the fingers from the plaster, where part of the fingers broke with the screw. As a result, I repeat it and make sure for the second time to be careful, especially on the last step: breaking the alginate mold, where I pull out my fingers from the plaster. 


Final Results and Video for the Steps: 

Molding and Casting Steps


The total cost is $58.41

  1. Materials : $46.41  
    1. Alginate powder $16.99 (Amazon)
    2. Plaster powder $8.48 (Home Depot)
    3. Clear coat $6.98 (Home Depot)
    4. Purple and brown spray paint $6.98*2 (Home Depot)
  2. Labor: around 1 hour is $12 
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