Low Fidelity Prototyping for Liam

For this homework assignment, we had to made Low Fidelity Prototypes that would allow an ataxia patient, Liam, to swim in a backyard pool with minimal supervision.

I started out brainstorming some ideas, which are listed below.

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  1. Sit in Ring
    A float able ring that has a seat like a baby swing, and is wide enough to prevent tipping
  2. Pool Crane
    A crane that straddles the pool, and has a harness for Liam to use
  3. Pool Chair
    A slightly reclined chair that has a roller coaster like harness that can be lifted up and down to secure Liam.
  4. Pool Waker
    A device that looks like the device Liam uses for walking, but the wheels are replaced with floats.
  5. Stationary Structure
    A structure that sits on the bottom of the pool, and has a harness suspended in the middle for Liam to sit in and perform strokes in place
  6. Counterweight Crane
    An iteration on the Pool Crane idea, where the crane is only on one side of the pool, and is supported by a heavy counterweight.
  7. Float Ring With Arm Straps
    Basically a slightly larger pool inner tube, with a middle section that can constrict to restrain Liam’s torso, and tight arm loops to prevent Liam from slipping through the tube.
  8. Robotic Pusher Fish
    By this point I was running out of brainstorm ideas. The idea of this device is that a swarm of robotic jet propelled fish/torpedos are programmed to push on Liam and keep him suspended in the water.
  9. Magnetic Levitation
    After this idea I realized I was out of ideas. The idea of this device is that magnets are embedded in the floor of the pool, and Liam wears a device with opposite polarity, so the magnets push on him and keep him suspended.

After this brainstorming session, I brought 5 ideas to life using Low Fidelity Prototyping. The results of the prototyping is seen below.


First I created a prototype of brainstorm idea #1, the Sit in Ring. I simply outlined it with pipe cleaners, when in reality they would be thicker inflatable tubes. The cleaners connecting the 2 rings would be more rigid. The middle ring would be tight enough to support Liam’s torso. And Liam can sit in the middle, and caretakers can simply lift him in and out of the tube.


Next, I created a prototype of brainstorm #3, Pool Chair. The green paper is the reclined, yet rigid chair, and the bundle of pipe cleaners is a roller coaster style harness that can pivot up and down. The orange balls are flotation devices.


Next, I created a prototype of brainstorm #7, Float Ring with Arm Straps. The float ring is the play dough, and a mock up of Liam is made of pipe cleaners, showing where the arms would be restrained.


Next I created a prototype of brainstorm #6, Counterweight Crane. The 2 containers on the left are the heavy counterweights, the clothespins are the crane itself, and the white pipe cleaners is the harness used by Liam. Structurally, this was difficult to make and I had many failures where the crane fell apart. However, after adding green pipe cleaner and blue foam support this became stable.


Finally, I created a prototype of brainstorm #5, Stationary Structure. The knex form the stationary structure, and the green pipe cleaners form the restraint that would hold Liam by the torso.

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