For this week’s homework assignment, we had to search online for an object to 3D print that could only be manufactured using 3D printing. The object I found was a gear bearing. A gear bearing is like a ball bearing but it uses gears instead of balls. I think gear bearings have more thrust resistance than ball bearings, but I chose it because it looks cool. The final product can be seen below.
To create this object, I had help from a lab technician. I was a little worried about tolerances, so the lab tech printed my object on the most precise printer, the Connex Objet 260. It was a very simple and convenient process.
About 2 hours later, the object finished. Then we had to remove the filler support material, which was a little harder. First, the water jet was used to remove bulk material. Then the object was placed in an acid bath to try to remove the support material in the crevices in-between the gears.
The acid bath was only half successful. To remove the rest of the filler, an allen key was placed in the center and lots of torque was applied. The filler material squeezed out as seen in the below photos.
After the filler material was removed, the gear bearing now rotates smoothly. In the future, this object should be printed with a printer that does not use a space filling sticky filler support.