CNC Machining

For this assignment, we were tasked with using a CNC mill to create some sort of 2-dimensional figure. We began by finding the following impossible geometry on the noun project, created by Claire Skelly.


We then used easel to create a G-code from the image. One of the issues we ran into when doing this was that we wanted the black lines of the image to be left untouched while letting the white background get milled. In order to do this we inserted a square behind our image and set it to be milled, while leaving the shape uncut.


This is what we received. As you can see the image as well as the square we inserted were uneven which resulted in the uncut bottom and left sides of the wax. However, we liked the look of an uncut edge and decided to edit our code to create one around the entirety of our block.

We then decided to move on to using wood. We used a handsaw to cut out a block of wood that was slightly over 3in by 3in, and sanded down some of the edges where it was uneven. We next treated the wood with linseed oil so that after it was milled the uncut areas would be darker than the cut ones. Finally we placed the block of wood into the mill and cut out our shape.


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