Sketching and Drawing, Joey

My cards were “Superhero”, “Something to make eating more fun” and “Made out of glass”. This is undoubtedly an interesting exercise, for I was forced to think in a way I would never before.

To incorporate superheros into my prototype was the most difficult part for me. It is simply hard to imagine them to be the type that will want much joy from eating. However, I resolved this issue by expanding my thoughts from only the “glassware used by superhero” to “glassware that is related with superhero”. With this concept in mind, I was able to incorporate superhero weapons into the design and make them appealing to a younger population, which is definitely more marketable than the actual superhero crowd.

Here are the five sketches.

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Here are the two drawings.

Drawing #1 is an update from Sketch #1: it uses solar power to prepare the food

Drawing #2 is an update from Sketch #2: a more detailed drawing on the bat-food-claw

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