Who Am I?
My name is Matthew Gutierrez, I am a sophomore at McMurtry studying Chemistry. I am involved in student government at McMurtry and also a manager at the Hoot, one of the student run businesses on campus. As the head of Internals committee at McMurtry, I help organize and throw the FITQs that happen every other week so that we can bring the college together. I also recently became the store manager for the Hoot, so I am excited to see what new products and change I can bring to the business!
Something I Am Proud Of?
One of the recent things that I am particularly proud of was my work during my summer internship at SEED where my team worked to design a BVM Monitor to help EMTs. My team, BreathEasy, made a lot of progress during our time on the project and as someone in charge of the electrical components for the device, I got to get a lot of experience with creating a perfboard and electrical work in general, which is something that I am very interested in!
Something I Am Looking Forward To This Semester?
After learning about the different projects we will be working on, I really want to design the chess pieces that we will be making for our final project! I still don’t quite have an idea for what theme to base my chess pieces around, but I feel like this could be something that I am really into as I like to place chess every now and then, and so making a chess set sounds really cool!
What Do I Hope To Learn This Semester?
I have never touched the CNC machine but from what I understand it sounds like a really cool machine to use so I am excited to explore the possibilities that I can make with that! Also want to learn about how to sew because I am always tearing my clothes so this just feels like a very important skill to know, which is why I wanted to take this class to diversify my experience with prototyping and just expand my skills in general

The Great Capybara
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