And So It Begins! – Engi 210 meets Darrell Good

Hi! Welcome to my world – but it can be yours too, at least for the moment. It’s a fascinating, awe-filled place where birds and squirrels and Malacosoma disstria meet C++ and Fourier Transforms and custom PCB’s on the regular. I hope you enjoy it!

Guy beside stream

I am at heart an avid outdoorsman and naturalist from “wild and wonderful” West Virginia, and I love hiking and camping and generally exploring the natural world. I am also an athlete and play IM football, basketball, and soccer (go Duncan!!!!), and made the bike team for Beer Bike last year. Additionally, I am a Christian and member of Cru, a campus ministry here at Rice. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions about christian community!

These are surpassed, however, by my drive to design and build things. (Hence my Electrical Engineering Major and probable Engineering Design minor!) Ever since elementary school, when part of my home-school education was to help Dad in the woodshop, I’ve built things. From live rabbit traps, to rafts, model airplanes, tree-houses, and kites, if you can name it, I’ve tried (or thought about trying) to build it.

In highschool this took a more electrical twist, as I worked on a FIRST robotics team and taught myself to program in Python and use a raspberry Pi and arduino, etc. This culminated in one of my favorite projects joining two of my interests, a custom circuit board that detects animal movement and triggers an attached camera. The resulting photos are the first recorded southern flying squirrels in my home county!

I am thrilled to be part of Engi 210 this semester, and excited to see what we can build. Currently, my obsession is with robotic butterflies, and I would love to build one before the year is out, inside or outside of class. My focus for the class in general will be to increase workmanship and insistence on quality. I can and do build things fast, but I want to use this class to slow down and pay attention to the details to create truly beautiful works of engineering.

Stay curious!

-Darrell Good

P.S. Check out my portfolio with some of my other projects, including my ENGI 120 and 200 projects.

P.P.S. I am a lab assistant at the OEDK as well so feel free to ask if you have any questions or need to use a new tool!

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