this is me before taking ENGI 210

Hi, I am Leticia! I am a sophomore pursing Mechanical Engineering. At Rice I am involved in SHPE, EWB (Engineers Without Borders), HACER, and Chi Alpha.

This is me, Pic taken in CR 🙂

This past summer I had the opportunity to be a part of the iSeed Experience for Engineering Design in Costa Rica where my ENGI 200 team built a device to make TENs Therapy easily wearable for workers on their feet. I am proud of all the work we put into that project and here are the blogs from that experience!

Also, recently I painted a album cover which I am really proud of how it turned out since I had never painted a human face before.

My Painting

Painting of “GLORY two-step”

This semester I hope to do make more paintings to decorate my room more, but in the future I would really like to design and build a house.

As I start ENGI 210, I am excited to improve my sewing skills, learn about 3D printing, furnishing and wet cutting. 

Engi doodles on my linkin photo

But, ultimately I want to learn about design consistency.

In the first class Dr. Wettergreen mentioned duplicating the water jet cutting and that, to me, has been the hardest thing when I craft something: to reproduce it at the same quality without giving up in the process. I want to learn how to confidently practice and reproduce all the new skills I will learn this semester. 

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