Finally taking ENGI 210

Who are you and what activities are you engaged in at Rice?

Alois Chipfurutse engaged in Chess club( co-best player), skating, and Rice Eclipse.

What is one thing that you have made that you are proud of?

Bag Valve Mask monitor (used to provide positive pressure ventilation to patients who are or not breathing adequately) monitor which gives real-time feedback to the user to ensure proper rate of compression
● Learnt C++, wrote and debugged more than 650 lines of code in 6 weeks
● Utilized C++, breadboarding, perfboarding, and CAD techniques to create the prototype
● Successfully tested the device with Rice Emergency Medical Services
● Project recognized as most complete in a 6-week period by Rice360 Institute of Global Health and OEDK Rice

What is one thing that you want to make (this semester or in the future)?

I want to design an aeroplane! Far fetched but true.

What is one thing that you hope to learn in ENGI 210?

Laser cutting, 3D printing, and sewing just to name a few.


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