Project 3: Laser Cutting a Box

These are the steps that I took to complete the third ENGI 210 Project: Laser Cutting a Box

Step 1: Creating a 2D drawing 

The first step to this project was to create a 2D drawing on of the box. These were the variables inputted to create the drawing for the box:

  • Length x width x height: 5″ x 5″ x 5″
  • Outside dimensions
  • Material thickness: 0.205″
  • Closed box
  • Finger joints
  • Finger size: 0.97375″

Based on information provided by my peers, I decided on a 0.007″ kerf.

Box dimensions inputted into

2D drawing of box on

Step 2: Adding designs to etch

Once downloaded from, the 2D drawing was imported into Adobe Illustrator. I added my name, class, and date to the front of the box and the Martel crest to the back of the box to be etched.

Creating designs to etch on box in Adobe Illustrator

Step 3: Laser cutting the box

0.205″ thick plywood was used to laser cut for the box. The surface of the plywood was covered with painters tape to protect the surface from soot. The laser cutter was operated according to given instructions at 5% speed, 100% power, and 10f frequency.

Laser cutter in action

Step 4: Assembling the box

The laser cutter was unable to cut through a few sides of the box, so a box cutter was used to manually remove 2 pieces of the box from the plywood sheet. The set kerf was slightly too small and the finger joints of the box did not initially fit correctly. To fix this, 120 grit sandpaper was used to sand down the width of the joints. By doing so, the box could be assembled with the use of a mallet for tight fits.

Laser cutter did not cut through wood at two corners

Pieces of the box removed from plywood sheet

Sandpaper and mallet used to aid assembling the box

My finished box! 

Back of box

Front of box

Cost Analysis 

  • 1x 1/4″ thickness 4’x8′ plywood sheet = $5.97
  • Labor: 3 hours x $7.25/hour = $14.50

Total = $20.47

*Cost of using laser cutter omitted because Harris County public libraries provide free use of laser cutters


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