Objective: To create a plywood box without fasteners (by making t-slots) using a laser cutter


  • 1/4″ x 8″ x 11″ cardboard (test cut)
  • 1/4″ x 8″ x 11″ plywood (test cut/etch)
  • 1/4″ x 24″ x 48″ plywood (final cut/etch)
  • Masking Tape (To prevent laser burn marks)

Tools Used:

  • MakerCase (To obtain the SVG files of the box)
  • Digital Caliper (To measure the width of the plywood)
  • Adobe Illustrator (To set cut dimensions, select laser settings, and transfer SVG file to the laser cutter)
  • Laser Cutter (To cut the plywood)

Operation Costs:

  • 1 hour of laser cutter training
  • 2 hours of labor
  • 288 in^3 worth of plywood
  • Sleep… (Training Day and Work Day both started at 8 A.M.)

Operation Rewards:

  • One 4″ x 4″ x 4″ box put together without any fasteners (includes etching of personal information and Hanszen Crest)
  • Proficiency in using the laser cutter
  • Knowledge that masking tape can create a unique colorway on an etch


  1. Make test cuts of a 0.5″ square on cardboard and plywood
  2. Create and Download the SVG file on MakeCase
  3. Open the SVG file on Adobe Illustrator
  4. Set laser cutter settings on Adobe Illustrator, then send print job to laser cutter
  5. Select the print job on the laser cutter, then wait 5 minutes
  6. Retrieve box pieces on the laser cutter bed (make sure that the cuts are completely through first)
  7. Assemble the box by hand (make sure to take note of the correct sides/orientation)


Initial SVG of the box


Laser Cutter in action (Etching the Hanszen Crest)


Final Product Front Side


Iconic Hanszen Logo (Back Side)




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