First experience with molds and casting

To begin this project, I attended the in class session where we were in partners and made a finger. The finger that I worked on unfortunately broke as the screw was not placed in properly. Therefore I had to embark on a mission to create two plaster replicas of my fingers.

To begin this process, I mixed 50g of alginate with 200 g of water. I put this in a plastic cup and plunged my finger into the solution. I realized after insertion that I have very short fingers, so I had to contort my hand to fit into the cup.

I then left my hand in the cup for ~10 minutes and then wiggled my finger out. I knew when to take my finger out by being able to lift the cup with just the suction from the alginate to my finger. After that, I mixed the plaster in a 2:1 ratio of plaster to water. My measurements were a little off, so I had to add a little extra water to make the solution more liquid.

I then let the plaster set for around an hour or two and then cut the molds out of the cups and got my two fingers. I didn’t mix the alginate enough with my second finger, so I got a lot of surface blemishes. The mix was too lumpy and the final result was sub optimal. After they were dry, I applied a clear coat to get my final deliverable.

Overall, this process was pretty smooth and hands off. I just had to find times to visit the OEDK to do this in my pre existing schedule.

Price Breakdown:

alginate : ~200 g (4 attempts) => ~$1.50

plaster: ~100 g => ~$0.50

cups : ~$0.50

screws : ~$0.10

time : ~5 hrs => ~$75

Total cost : $77:60


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