Finger hooks


On the first day during class, we got to figure out the correct volumes / weights to use to get a good consistency for the mold. I used a popsicle stick to ensure that the alginate and water were adequately mixed together. Sometimes, there would be pockets of dried powder at the bottom that I made sure to mix up as well. Once I had the correct amount and consistency of alginate, I stuck my pointer and middle finger into the mixture. I waited for about 10-15 minutes before removing my finger from the mold.


Now that I had two molds of my fingers, it was time to cast them! I mixed the plaster in a 2:1 ratio then added water as needed to get the correct consistency. I thoroughly mixed up the powder and water with a popsicle stick before pouring the plaster into the finger holes. Putting screws into the top of the fill and securing them to the cup with tape, I left it to dry overnight. The next day, I removed the fingers and sprayed painted them with a clear coat.

Overall, I really enjoyed seeing the level of detail that this type of shape transfer can retain!

Cost Analysis 

alginate – 100 g  = $0.75

plaster: – 100 g = $0.50

screws : $0.10

time: 3 hrs = $35

Total cost ~$37 for two fingers

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