In class we molded our fingers with Plaster of Paris in an alginate mold. After a few days, I took it out, and my fingers looked like this:
They looked almost exactly like my fingers, except there were some small clumps of plaster and there were screws sticking out of the bottom. While the plaster was still a little damp, I used a small blade to chip off the excess plaster so it would be smoother. Then, I left my fingers there to fully dry. When it was dry, I stuck them in some foam and clear coated them with a matte clear coat.
After they dried, I took them out and it was done! Two plaster models of my fingers!
If I did this again, I would try to place the screws more in the middle of my fingers because one of them can be seen from the side of my finger. I might also bend my finger more so it makes a better hook.
Cost Analysis:
Plaster of Paris: 4 lbs = $7.99
Alginate mold powder: 1 lb = $16.99
Screws, clear coat: negligible
Time: 2 hours x $15/hour = $30
Total: $54.98