
This project was pretty short. The goal was to make two plaster replicas of my fingers to make wall hooks. I first mixed equal parts alginate and water (6 oz of each) to make a goopy mold. While the alginate was still viscous, I stuck my finger in. Then came the waiting. Once the mold was set, I carefully removed my finger and got to work making the plaster mix. I used a ratio of 1.5 parts plaster to 1 part water and mixed it for a few minutes. I poured the mix into the mold, thumped it on the table to get the air bubbles out, and used a popsicle stick, some string, and a screw to make the hook.

I left it to set for around 30 minutes and carefully removed the product from the mold. I repeated this process again to make a second finger and added a clear coat to both. The final product is below!


  • Alginate – $16.99 for 500 g – $1.70 for 50 g used (Amazon)
  • Plaster of Paris – $7.58 for 64 oz. – $0.24 for 2 oz. used (Amazon)
  • Clear coat – $6.19 for 12 oz. – $o.26 for 1/2 oz. used (Amazon)
  • Labor – $12 for 1 hour of labor

Total: $14.20

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