Epoxy Tree CNC

For my cnc project, I wanted to experiment with filling wood with dyed epoxy. I designed a simple vector of a tree and added a circle profile in carbide create, where I exported the gcode to later cut. I had problems with the wood not adhering to the bed so it took me a few tries and decreasing the speed to eventually have the cut work. After, I cleaned up the piece with sandpaper and poured green dyed epoxy into the wood cavity. Next, I sanded the top of the wood flat and finally oiled the piece. I am happy with how it came out but in the future I hope to learn more about epoxy and experiment further with filling wood with epoxy.

Cost  breakdown:

wood – $0.50

epoxy  – $0.35

dye – $0.01

time (2hrs @$15/hr)- $30.00

Overall cost: $30.86


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