Hi! My name is Izzie Driewer and I’m a sophomore mechanical engineering major from Baker college. I’m a part of Rice wind club as well as the climbing club. I have many hobbies that revolve around making things such as resin printing, DnD miniature painting, taking film pictures, and pretty m
uch anything else that pops into my head! I’m proudest of my miniatures I’ve painted and this metal rose I welded/blacksmithed.
One thing I would love to make is a soft robot using silicon. Over the last couple summers my dad and I have been developing this system to inflate different silicon objects designed so they bend when inflated. We’ve gotten close to a final prototype, but more work needs to be done to finalize the project. I hope to learn more CNC techniques in ENGI 210. I’ve always been fascinated with CNC but never learned the specifics.